Send halp pls.(Typos intentional)
Please tell me how to attach images to my post
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347 UnitedAerospace
How do you upload an image from an iPhone, I also have a Mac and a pc if any of those help. @KellyNyanbinary
520 PriyanshuRoy
@mjdfx150529 kinda worked.I mentioned your name .
Thanks for the help -
40.8k KellyNyanbinary
@PriyanshuRoy You need the image to be uploaded on the web, not a hard drive path.
520 PriyanshuRoy
@mjdfx150529 it didnt work,it just shows the url path. -
520 PriyanshuRoy
Thanks!I am making a star map of Droo skies from Droo cosmodrome at 0000 hrs.Hence I wanted to upload it.@mjdfx150529
40.8k KellyNyanbinary
For craft posts:
Use F9 to take screenshots in game.
You can add them to your craft sharing post.
For forum posts:

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Is there a way to upload images that are using the game camera thing